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EBZ55(A) Road Header is a kind of jib armed, lengthwise direction tunneling machine with the functions of cutting, loading and traveling, suitable for the coal or half coal tunnel.
Main features:
1.With internal spray and outer spray system to reduce the dust
2.small diameter cutter, bigger force on the simple teeth. The layout of the teeth is reasonable, more easily to break rock and get through the fault, with less vibration and better stability.
3.Swiveling and lifting or lowering of the cutter can be achieved simultaneously. Curve cutting can be achieved.
4.Imported hydraulic elements
5. Separate loading and transport motors,  better loading capacity
6. Power pack for the roof bolter can be mounted by request to drive the roof bolter

Copyright:Shijiazhuang Coal Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. ICP:09037270
Design by:http://www.sjznet.net
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